Prayer guide - For a Christian Friend


Praise Team practice every Sunday at 9:00am Sharp!

Powerful Prayer to pray for a Christian person!  

  • Father, thankyou for ______________.  Father, increase _______’s God consciousness! Give ____________ a radical knowledge of the Lord!  

  • Cause ___________ to find and fulfill the purpose he/she was created!  

  • Cause ____________ to desire the things of God and hunger for Your word!   

  • Open _________’s eyes to see Your true glory!  I pray that __________ would know his/her spiritual inheritance and the power that works in him/her!   

  • Lead _____________ to forsake sin and any carnal desire and love You with all his/her heart, soul, mind and strength!  Cause ________ to eschew evil and fear You!  Cause sin to be empty to _______!  Cause____  to drink of the Spiritual Living Waters of Christ! 

  • Heal any soul wounds in _______.  Any place the enemy is finding access  against __________ I pray the Blood of Jesus heal/redeem that area for Christ! Bring _____________ wholeness in Christ!  

  • Uproot wrong desires, wrong loves, and wrong beliefs in __________ and cause his/her thinking to line up with Your will and purpose for his/her life!  

  • Protect _________ from evil people, evil situations, and wrong relationships!

  • Sever or correct any relationship and/or habit that’s stealing __________ joy and snuffing out ________ fire!

  • Develop ___________’s gifts and talents.  Cause ________ to use gifts to honor You!  Let ___________ find great fulfillment when doing Your will. 

  • Give ________ discernment in every situation.  Cause _____________ to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!  

  • Perfect all that concerns ___________!  Make him/her a fruitful Christian! 

  • Keep _______ sincere in his/her faith and keep ______ from offense!   

  • Help _____ to understand how to be led by the Spirit of God.   Cause _______ not to be tossed to and fro with false doctrines.  Cause ___________ to have the Joy of the Lord!  

  • Cause _______________ to stay on fire for Jesus!  Fill __________ with Your Holy Spirit to overflowing!  Cause ________’s life to shine for Jesus everywhere he/she goes!   

  • Bless ___________ indeed! Bring ________’s financial harvest in!  Angels go get hidden riches from secret places and deliver it into _______’s hands!   

  • Father, cause _______________ to live for Your Glory!  Cause ___________ to desire to hear You say well done My Good and Faithful Servant!   Cause ____________ to fight the good fight of faith to the end!